Sunday 30 October 2016

Seven months ago today, I returned from my trip to John God with a new found sense of self.  Initially, I went there with the idea that all will be blissful.  I was in for a surprise.  It was evident while there, I was releasing a lot of  “what was no longer serving me”.  Old wounds and memories came up to be processed and released.  Old experiences were presented to me once again and I believed I handled it amazingly.  Only, I didn’t quite catch on to it instantly.  I was wondering why this was happening.  The little I knew then was that I was being forced to revisit these trying times/life lessons and let it go gracefully into the light. This was happening because I was ready for it.  One particular day while questioning why all this was happening, I opened a book to read trying to pass time.  The message that was revealed to me was this was a purification process.  As in to experience all things and then be ok with it as part of our journey here on earth.  I cried at such revelation.  It answered my question and put my mind at ease, but yet I did not like all the uncomfortable feelings that went along with it.  Releasing is not easy, but essential for healing.  The key is to know why these old feelings and experiences resurface time and time again.  Here’s what I did.

1.     Acknowledge the feeling or experience that has left me with uncomfortable feelings.  I call it psychic scar.  Can’t see it, but I feel it.  Yes it was a difficult time.  Why did it have to happen?  To learn.  Yes, my soul wanted to learn and grow.

2.     Ask a higher power, god, angels, ascended masters to help me to heal me from it.  I started looking at it from compassionate eyes.  It’s not easy, but practice helps.  When you genuinely want to heal from past hurts and unpleasant life lessons, it will happen.  I forgave myself for what I did or didn’t do.  I saw myself with a lot of flaws often forgetting my gifts.  If Iknew better then, I would have done better.

3.     Allowed the healing to take place.  I did not resist.  I spent a lot of time in quiet contemplation and gained insights why things played out the way it did.  How else are we to learn something unless we live it.  Accept all that is as a highly evolved being.  It was all tests to strengthen my spiritual growth.

Many amazing experiences happened to me.  My first healing session, I entered into trance as soon as I closed my eyes.  I was in awe.  I have witnessed my mother in trance state and we used to shake her to come out of it.   Now that I think about it, that was rude interruption.  Being in trance, I had crystal clear visions of people.  Some was past life family.  One particular vision was of a woman who was going to assist me along my life path as a mentor.  I believe I’ve crossed path with that woman with the purple scarf just recently. 

Often during morning sessions at Dom Inacio Casa, I felt strong tingling sensations on the back of my head which continued for months after.  I knew what it was.  My spirit guides and helpers were working on me.  I always acknowledge them by saying thanks.  I actually enjoyed the daily meditation service which lasts approximately 3.5 hours per session twice a day.  Usually, I have discomfort sitting for more than an hour.  But for some reason, I was able to sit in meditation for 3.5-4 hours.  The energy is spectacular at John of God.  It will shift your life for whatever purpose you are there for.  The first thing is to always release.  That leads the way for the new beautiful energy coming in.

 Once I returned home, I felt like I was re-integrating into society.  No kidding.  I needed to sleep a lot.  I didn’t go anywhere for almost a week.  There was stillness within me.  I knew the energy was still working in me.  I gather the strength to not return to my job.  Although it has served me well for two decades, I needed to breakaway.   The feeling was fleeting.  Next, I proceeded to take care of all things that was weighing me down.  I completed income taxes that was backed up for years on top of ten additional ones for the current year.  Then I proceeded to handle all account balances that was hanging over my shoulder.  It was liberating.  Keep in mind, I had no income.  But I was guided to a source.  I felt light.

As I continued on my spiritual path, I was becoming more sensitive to chemicals, large crowds, loud noises, unhealthy foods including alcohol etc.  The more I detoxed, another calling presented itself to me.  To detox from meat.  The guidance was
strong.  It was shown to me approximately six times in the form of a blog, a conversation, a post, a tv show, a book and recipes.  I listened to this guidance and asked for the transition to be easily and effortlessly.  Within a few weeks, I was able to detox from meat.  I feel different and more connected spiritually.

Further guidance came as I enrolled in a Sign Language course and most recently became a Reiki Practitioner.  I feel that I have arrived at the end of the nine year cycle (2007-2016) with grace.  As today is a new moon, I welcome new opportunities to be of service.  I’m in the process of setting up my Reiki Practice.

I had no idea my journey to John of God would lead me here, but I was willing to do the work.  Many blessings to you all.

 Please feel free to follow my blog and share it.  I trust that it will reach all those it’s meant to reach.  You can also connect with me at:


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